Friday, August 24, 2012

Pro-Life or Pro-Constitution

The Republican party proclaims itself the Pro-Life party, which would be fine if their candidates for office were running for jobs in their churches, synagogues or mosques. But they are running for offices in a multi-religious nation and their anti abortion and anti gay marriage positions come not from science and logic but from their interpretations of the Bible. And although the country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, we are supposed to be a nation that welcomes all views and separates church and state. Either you are for the tenets of the Constitution or you are not. You can't have it both ways.

Besides, how does being Pro-Life or Pro-Choice create jobs, build roads, correct what ever needs to be corrected with  Health Care, Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, the regulation of Wall Street, the banking and housing crisis and all the other problems that are holding America back from being as great as it can be.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fund Social Security, not Congress's bad investments

Men and women work all their lives, buy government bonds, pay into Social Security, make good investments, and feel secure.

They then hire a financial adviser, who makes some poor investments. On their own
they buy things they really don't need, invest in housing and watch the stock market go bad. 

Then when they're finally ready to retire, they find that they are not as secure as they hoped.

To make matters worse, somewhere along the way Congress became their financial adviser. Congress invested in overpriced warplanes, bridges to nowhere, raises in pay for themselves and their staffs, wars, shoring up the banks etc., and then informs them that Social Security is going broke.