Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Bloomberg for President?

Can Michael Bloomberg win as an Independent Candidate?

In my humble opinion, the answer is no.

Independent candidates can win local elections, mayoral elections and state elections, but building a staff of the necessary workers to pull off a national election is too much to handle. People think that TV has narrowed the chances, but I believe it still is not enough. The only way an Independent candidate can win a national election is if there are local Independent parties and a slate for people to work for. Generally, a national candidate have very few favors he/she can call in.

Whatever their problems, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have party loyalists who will carry petitions and campaign for candidates they do not believe in because they are chosen by the party. An Independent hasn't got that clout, nor can be buy it.

Can Bloomberg beat Giuliani? I believe he can, but only because of the Bernard Kerik baggage that Giuliani has to carry and will be made an issue in the campaign. If it is possible to conceive, Rudy Giuliani may be the only person who can pick a worse Attorney General than President Bush.

I also believe in a national campaign neither Bloomberg nor Giuliani would carry New York State.

The rest of the state has not benefited one iota from Bloomberg's plans to make New York City the Corporate Capital of the World. 

1 comment:

hariet said...

It is true that Independent candidates are handicapped, but I believe that Bloomberg would be a positive in his contribution to the dialogue. He has been a great mayor and is very popular in New York. The city is more attractive, safer, cleaner, and holds more promise than ever. The other candidates lack either integrity or charisma. Except for Obama and Gore, there is no choice in my opinion.