Monday, February 20, 2012

Our democracy under attack

Our democracy can only be destroyed from within. Right now there are two factors working to do so. Citizens United and lobbyists who use their money to buy our law makers.

The Supreme Court, in its supposed wisdom, decreed that a Corporation is an individual and should have the same rights. This decision allows them to spend obscene amounts of money on political campaigns. Their enormous wealth together with the Chamber of Commerce make it almost impossible for the citizen voter to be heard. This in turn gives them the power to control elections.

While Conservatives at this time find the need to use that power, eventually it will destroy them. Too much power does that. Look at Libya, Egypt, Russia and all previous regimes who have succumbed.

Even more so when big money is used to propagate lies. Opposition money will also find a way to do so. You lie about me and I will lie about you. That has given us leaders few have faith in.

We have to have an amendment to bring sanity to the vote, by repealing this ludicrous idea or at least a reversal by the Supreme Court.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

The Supreme Court is also in the pockets of the corporations, so I con't see thow that silly law will be reversed.