Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Debate 3 ...And the Winner Is

The third and thankfully last debate is over and yadda, yadda, yadda. I guess it is
impossible to come up with a new idea after such a long process although Mitt Romney proved again that he could come up with new ideas for himself - the ideas opposite the ones he's had on the campaign trail.

Romney's best answer was to the hypothetical question Bob Schieffer threw out as to what he would do if Israel said its airplanes were on the way to Iran. He said it is not necessary to even discuss that.

As for Romney's plan, whatever the president has done on foreign policies I agree with, but I can do them better. Trust me. Trust me. Trust me. My medicine cures all ailments.

If he was looking for Independents he may have gotten some at the expense of extreme right wingers.

Obama on the other hand probably strengthened his hand with progressives and people concerned about Israel.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

I was disgusted by the third debate. It's so depressing to see someone lie. Romney obviously has no knowledge of the internet and is not aware that everything is recorded. Of course, neither do the folks who are voting for him. I cannot believe that he will succeed. If he does, it will be an indicator of how seriously our educational system has failed.