Monday, November 5, 2012

Why I'm voting for Obama

In 2008, I originally wanted Hilary Clinton, and I still believe she would have done a great job.
But eventually I bought into Obama's cry for change. After President Bush I wanted
big changes. Unfortunately, Obama's changes weren't big enough.
I thought he failed in not fighting harder for a single pay health plan. He did not fight hard enough for Elizabeth Warren. He did not fight hard enough endorsing progressive Democrats and even supported the likes of Blue Dogs who supported most
Republican initiatives. He did not rebut the claims that the Tea Party made about him. He simply wanted the Republicans to negotiate with him, and they would not. They wanted him out, and did nothing in the way of bi-partisanship - then blamed him for being a divider.
So why am I voting for him?
We need someone who really has the middle class issues under consideration.

We need someone who is not another Hawk, who realizes we need to end our present wars.
We need someone who does not embrace the Tea party and its Anti-American policies.
We need someone who understands that trickle down economics does not work.
We need someone who knows that  outsourcing jobs is not wise and that outsourcing FEMA is crazy. 
The pro-choice president who saved the U.S auto industry, passed the Affordable Health Care Act, came around on gay marriage and responded to the Superstorm is the president I am voting for. He's not perfect, but in a choice of two, he's the far better choice.
By trying to block all of President Obama's initiatives during his first term, the Republicans did not give him the chance to fail. I hope they have learned their lesson and that a second Obama administration will lead to more cooperation and less obstruction. Our politicians are supposed to - encouraged to - argue over their differences. They are not supposed to make their No. 1 priority stopping all proposed legislation from a president a won a landslide victory in 2008. Here's hoping the next four years will be different.