Thursday, March 19, 2009

Best way to help small business? Not banks

Why is the administration begging banks to loan money to small businesses, when it has under its wing the Small Business Administration?

Instead of giving direct loans as it once did it is depending on the banks to make loans to small businesses. As it stands now a small business corporation must be turned down by two banks for a loan before the Small Business Administration will get involved.

Obviously the banks, without regulation, are not a dependable source for deciding who should get loans and who should not.

The Small Business Administration should be in the business of helping Small Business grow. I cannot see how the extra cost of administration with the banks helps in this area.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Indispensable Mayor

The mayor who makes his money with Bloomberg News, which covers the world of business, did not see the economic disaster before us, but now tells us he and only he has the knowledge to correct the situation.

(He also was in favor of deregulation of banks, which was one of the causes of this disaster.)

Here are some of his great ideas. He wanted to have a stadium built in downtown New York City. Then he decided to  help his friends the Yankees and Bruce Ratner with tax breaks the City could not afford, so that he and his friends could have special seats at the new Yankee stadium.

Then he decided on the Congestion Pricing plan that was dependent on the MTA providing good service in order for it to work.

The other day at 1:30 in the afternoon I went downtown and there was standing room only on he subway because the MTA cut back on some of the trains.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the mayor's Congestion Pricing plan had gone into effect.

Now he has decided tolls on bridges going into Manhattan is a great idea and making a mall for tourists will work. The plan is to stop Broadway traffic and make motorists use Seventh Avenue. But the traffic on both these streets is mainly bus and Taxi traffic. If everyone on Broadway is routed to Seventh Avenue all we've done is created a massive traffic jam on Seventh Avenue.

And to get even with the people who voted for term limits he decided to thumb his nose at them and run again.