Sunday, January 7, 2007

Strategy? What strategy?

To those of you who watched Sen. Lindsay Graham espouse the president's new strategy in Iraq, on Meet the Press, please remember that this was the same person who thought impeaching President Clinton was more important than the problem in Kosovo.

The "new" Iraq strategy? We have to send more troops to win the war, because we cannot afford to lose.

This, however, is atypical of the Republican strategy in other areas: We cannot pour more dollars into school aid unless we make the schools more accountable. We cannot afford to pour more dollars in a losing war on drugs. We cannot afford to spend more dollars on the losing war on poverty. We cannot afford to spend more money  on Medicaid, Medicare, and Health care for our citizens. 

We must, though, spend more money and invest more troops in the losing war in Iraq, because we cannot admit we are losing.

1 comment:

hariet said...

School aid, fighting drugs and poverty, Medicaid, Medicare and Health Care are not attractive preoccupations. These preoccupations do not provide profits or power for the hawks. They don't even care about losing. All they want is the money and power. And the war is doing very well for them.