Monday, February 19, 2007


When you ask average Conservatives what they like best about President Bush they say it is his resolve. He believes strongly and religiously what his mission is. It is a show of his strong character.

The Dixie Chicks also showed strong resolve. At a loss of some of their fans and income, they took a stand. They showed resolve. They were rewarded with a return of some of their fans, got new fans and maybe got back some of their lost revenue.
The people who admired President Bush's resolve were intensely annoyed with the Dixie Chicks resolve. Only time will tell whether they win back their deserters.

I wish the Democrats in Congress would show some of the Dixie Chicks' resolve although it is not whether you have resolve that counts, it is whether you are right or wrong. I have resolve, but if I am wrong I am not doing anyone any good by being resolute.

Being right and resolute is the best of both worlds.

1 comment:

hariet said...

It all depends on what you have resolve about. If you are determined to help others and to make peace, that's good resolve. If you are determined to lie, cheat, and never admit your mistakes, that's also resolve. Motivation is the key.
Hilary has resolve. She will not admit to her mistake. Do we really want that in our president...again????