Monday, March 2, 2009

The Indispensable Mayor

The mayor who makes his money with Bloomberg News, which covers the world of business, did not see the economic disaster before us, but now tells us he and only he has the knowledge to correct the situation.

(He also was in favor of deregulation of banks, which was one of the causes of this disaster.)

Here are some of his great ideas. He wanted to have a stadium built in downtown New York City. Then he decided to  help his friends the Yankees and Bruce Ratner with tax breaks the City could not afford, so that he and his friends could have special seats at the new Yankee stadium.

Then he decided on the Congestion Pricing plan that was dependent on the MTA providing good service in order for it to work.

The other day at 1:30 in the afternoon I went downtown and there was standing room only on he subway because the MTA cut back on some of the trains.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the mayor's Congestion Pricing plan had gone into effect.

Now he has decided tolls on bridges going into Manhattan is a great idea and making a mall for tourists will work. The plan is to stop Broadway traffic and make motorists use Seventh Avenue. But the traffic on both these streets is mainly bus and Taxi traffic. If everyone on Broadway is routed to Seventh Avenue all we've done is created a massive traffic jam on Seventh Avenue.

And to get even with the people who voted for term limits he decided to thumb his nose at them and run again.



hariet said...

Your logic is irrational. I have problems with the mayor too, because of his choice of chancellor, but the things you say make no sense.
1. Are you blaming the crisis on Bloomberg when the SEC didn't forsee it coming?
2. He never stated that he and only he has the knowledge to correct the situation.
3. Clinton was in favor of deregulation. Will you blame the crisis on him?
4. Do you really believe that his desire for seats was his motivation for the stadium? Can you envision another reason? It would have provided jobs and encouraged tourism.
5. Congestion pricing, an excellent idea was just an idea. Of course it would have involved in improved public transportation, another job source and tourism attraction.
6. The tolls idea is a necessity at this time because we are broke.
7. I am in favor of the mall, but it would involve planning for traffic. Your assumption that the usuage of 7th is the only solution is shortsighted. Again, improved public trans is part of the solution.
8. Do you really think that he waants to run again just to pay back his opponents. What is this? First grade? Why are you supporting OK? Isn't he doing the same thing?
7. He never said he was indispensable. Most mayors are not approachable. He has done nothing impeachable.
8. Of course he has faults and makes mistakes, but let's use some logic upon examining them, please.
9. He will get reelected by a landslide. New Yorkers like him.

hariet said...

I made some grammatical errors, When I went back to correct them I discovered that I had already published them. I should have previewed it first. We all make mistakes. I didn't do that to get even with you.