Saturday, December 5, 2009


Unfortunately those who want to continue the war in Afghanistan and those who want immediate withdrawal have no crystal ball and do not know how either approach will turn out.

We are there because our previous president thought wrongly that we should be there.  The hawks who got us there are still hawking about how it is necessary to be there. I would like to get out of there as quickly as possible but the president has made his decision and he thinks it is the right one.

Unlike our previous administration I do not believe he minimizes the horror of the war or the expense or war's burden on the American people. I am confident he would like to get this mess over with as quickly as possible.

The one phrase I was looking for was a challenge to the Afghani people: "Get your government to take over the fight against your enemies and our enemies and those who believe terrorizing the rest of the world is the answer. When you can prove you are capable of protecting yourselves and other countries from terrorists we will withdraw."

1 comment:

hariet said...

I agree that Obama has good intentions, but he is wrong on this one. We should not be there at all. This war is not winnable and when the bodies start coming home, as they will, there will be an uprising against it. Obama has failed on all counts. I had complete faith in him, but now I feel that he must be voted out in 2012. He chose the wrong people to advise him.