Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Two mad dogs are loose

Dick Cheney should be the last one to criticize anyone on how to handle terrorists.

The same goes for former Mayor Giuliani.

When you have a catastrophe most of the intelligence is to move people out of harm's way as quickly as possible.

That was done with the Tsunami. Done, though poorly, with Hurricane Katrina. Done when we have a tornado and almost any other catastrophe.

But in the 9/11 debacle Giuliani took the opposite approach. If you were stuck in the area during 9/11, Giuliani made sure you were stuck there. Buses and subways avoided the area. Traumatized New Yorkers had to go to Canal Street, which was quite a walk, to get a subway. if you were in a wheelchair or walked with a cane that became virtually impossible. You just had to stay and breathe the stale and suffocating air.

I am sure they thought there was a good reason for that approach, but it did not work out. Giuliani's plan may have been done with good intentions, but it wasn't good and he should not pretend now that it was. He should not take pride in saying he did a great job under those circumstances.

1 comment:

hariet said...

I wasn't aware of the fact that people were stuck in the 9 11 area because Guiliani engineered that. One more count against him. Most New Yorkers hate him as I do. He smiles, the dimple shows, and he looks more evil than ever. I dislike him for his handling of his personal life which was inexcusable. He's dead meat as far as I'm concerned. I wish that he and Cheney would just disappear.