Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Random political thoughts

I am not a political pundit. I do not profess to have the only answer, but I find I am right more often than most political pundits, because I don't get paid to push a political agenda.

In order of interest as a guest on a political talk show here is my take.

1. Reporters who work at a newspaper.
2. Columnists who work at a newspaper.
3. Other talk show hosts, and bloggers.
4. So-called pundits.
5. People who profess to be Republican and Democratic strategists. Fortunately for them the public makes them right some of the time, especially in mid-term elections. Most of the time when they are asked a question I can guess what they are going to say. They have a ready-made agenda and mental script they adhere to.

Today I heard the latest poll for the 2012 Presidential election. I couldn't care less. In today's technological age it is possible that in two years we may be talking about someone who we do not even know. Congress is on vacation now. I don't want to hear or read about polls until they start to work on the business of laws. Hopefully they might actually try to make things better for the middle class, and for the small business community that they promise to help, but rarely do.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

How discouraging. No trust. No leader. No peace. No warmth Dark days.
Things have got to get better. Just found out that Chertoff gained by influence peddling with the xray manufacturers. Now we have a choice between radiation or being gropped. Fergetaboudit!!!
There's no way to go but up from here.