Sunday, December 12, 2010


We seem to be worrying about the wrong things in our voting and politics. What we should be worrying about is monopolistic control of our Internet, our newspapers. our radio, our television, our telephone, our insurance companies, our hospitals, our banks and our credit card companies.

When a select few extremely large corporations control our services and our elected representatives, it does not matter whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or have no party affiliation. Everyone is powerless when a select few have the power to raise your prices and give you less service.

When they are too big to fail, they are also too big to work for the common good.

1 comment:

hariet said...

That is why we need Wikileaks. It's the only way to get at the truth. Hackers already have the code so that they can get at the remaining leaks, if Assange is killed or confined. We only have access to a small percedntage so far. The politicians and diplomats who want Assage jailed and prosecuted are scared because they have lied,cheated,and stolen, and don't want us to find out about it.