Thursday, July 21, 2011

TV Shows

I was watching one of my favorite, but most annoying, TV shows the other day. It was on C-SPAN. For the first time I realized I was watching a new concept to go with our sports shows, sitcoms, shopping shows and reality shows.

This was a non-reality show.

The segment was called, "Cut, Cap and Balance." It had a large cast and under normal circumstances might be called a spectacular, but this one was more of a spectacle.

Or a debacle.

It was seemingly scripted by people called whips and majority leaders and all the performers had pretty much the same lines.

Although listening is a key to a believable performance, these performers read their words without listening. Here were well-spoken adults speaking as if what they were saying meant something. I have seen High school debates that made more sense.

It was all a tease though, because the outcome was a vote with everyone knowing what the outcome would be. It was not even well acted. In other words, a total waste of time and money.


Harriet said...

My comment is "I have no comment". After all, if I say anything about tax cuts, I may get fired.

Harriet said...

It's all a charade. My feeling is that the Repubs will give in at the very end because the polls are not in their favor. For this reason, I'm annoyed but not very upset. It will be a black mark on them. However, if Obama gives in again, all bets are off.