Sunday, July 17, 2011

Words spoken and unspoken

The Republican strategy is that they are for tax cuts and only tax cuts create jobs. But if tax cuts created jobs why were so few jobs created during the Bush administration?

These are the words I want to hear from President Obama: "I will not sign any law that continues the Bush Tax cuts."

Previous administrations have used the Social Security fund as a piggy bank for spurious earmarks and unnecessary spending. Before they put Social Security on the table for cuts, I want those funds restored. Then and only then can we discuss Social Security.

Republicans talk about cuts in spending, but some of the programs they want to cut will end up costing middle- and lower-income tax payers more out-of-pocket cash. To me that is the same as raising taxes on those groups. It is one of the fallacies of the Republicans' argument that the government wants to redistribute wealth. The government HAS been redistributing wealth - from the poor and middle class to the rich. What Republicans don't want is for that redistribution to go the other way - to the people who need the money and spend money when they get it.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

After the broken promises about stopping the war, the tax issue is my main objection to voting for Obama.
The only recourse is to vote for the representives and senators who back taxing the rich.
Our economy is dependent on a redistribution of the wealth.
We need the additional revenue for our schools, hospitals, and infrastructure.