Friday, November 11, 2011

The GOP and the 'free' market

Last night's GOP presidential debate had two mantras.

1. The problem with Obama is he refuses to let the market work. It
seems to me that President Bush allowed the market to work and all that did was make for the malaise we are in now. Deregulation has been a GOP idea since Ronald Reagan sang its praises. Unfortunately, letting the market work - without any checks - took away the things that might have protected the middle class. (Disaster).

2. The Federal Government does not allow the market to work. It seems
to me they leave out the part that the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch are also part of the problem. Some of the people running for the office of the President created many of the problems.

The market only works when the people responsible for overseeing the markets give everyone a fair chance in the market. When legislators make special deals on behalf of certain corporations or industries at the expense of others, or the
middle class, the market is great for some (those with lobbyists) but not for others. We have to go back to the days when monopolies were against the law. Monopolies destroy by their power.

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