Sunday, November 20, 2011

Immigration - A Solvable Problem

At the present time there are two opposing factions.

The first believes that all illegal immigrants should be deported.

The second believes in giving illegals amnesty.

Neither idea is the solution but neither side really wants to assume the responsibility of solving it.

I offer a start.

We go by time in our country. We take those who have been here the longest - those who have a job here, worked here and contributed taxes to the city, state and country, and put them in line with legal immigrants. Obviously if they have contributed to the good and welfare of their community for a length of time they have proved that they can and want to be citizens. This way we prove to the illegal immigrants that we do want to solve the problem and get their cooperation.

We owe nothing to those who have never contributed to the country they want citizenship in - they have proved that they only want to return to their own country. If they can prove that they have contributed in other ways such as volunteer work it should be entered into the equation.

This is just a start. There are probably many ways to solve the problem, but you have to start somewhere.

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