Monday, December 24, 2012

Arming teachers...

... is one of the stupidest ideas. 

Without giving statistics here are some of the scenarios:

A teacher gets shot reaching for an eraser.

A criminal mugs the teacher on the way home and when the teacher reaches for his/her gun, the mugger shoots the teacher instead of just robbing him.

A student brings a gun to school because he's convinced the teacher doesn't like him.

A nervous teacher aims at a perceived threat and instead shoots one of his/her students.

Where does it end? Give teachers guns, then give guns to doctors who commit abortions so they can protect themselves from Pro-Life fanatics. All our elected representatives should also have guns - maybe fire them in to the air when they're speaking. People who go to the movies? Guns. Firemen answering a call? Guns. All that violence at sporting events? Think how much better it will be when all those drunk fans are packing heat.

Bang is the answer.

If more guns are the answer to safety, why do they screen you for them at the airport? Maybe more metal detectors is the answer, not more guns. Maybe smart guns, which can only be fired by the person they're registered to, should be on the table. Something has to be.

The gun lobby can find an excuse for everyone to own a gun, even to protect themselves from other protectors. What the NRA must do, in order to protect the individual with a gun is
to make sure less guns are out in the public, not more guns. A gun should be a deterrent, but it can't be if everybody has one. Regardless of the answer, the NRA needs to be on the side of the solution and not the problem. All they need is the will and sense to correct a bad situation.

1 comment:

Harriet said...

It's a very bad and crazy idea. I would hate to see that in a school that I would teach in. It's so depressing. I don't even like to see them at the airport. We need gun control so that stupid people give up their insane ideas about arming everyone.